First Meeting (bxb)
By FreeSpirit4Life
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Tyler Reinolds was anything but normal. He had nice parents that he thought accepted him for who he was. The pack on the other hand, tried anything to make home go crazy. He was insulted, teased and taunted everyday to remind him that he was a "fag" and that no one would want to be his mate. In the beginning, he believed them. But he learned along the way of life that not everyone is trying to help you and some people you should just trust with your whole self. Blake Red on the other hand was the alpha. The alpha that was cruel heartless but never strived to find his mate. One of those reasons were that he was too busy. Another was because he was afraid. Afraid that his mate would reject him for who he was or say that they were in love with someone else. He, the mighty alpha, had a weakness that no one would know.

Copyright :33

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First Mee...
by FreeSpirit4Life