polar express
By MarilouDouca
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Chapter A:On christmas eve a young girl called marina is sitting with a young shepherdness mare who is me.We're just looking at our movie credits rolling by while i asked her:Could you get a tree branch wth a big red juicy apple.Of course she was able to do so uninjuring herself or her toys.It roams to the window where our older brother chris is laying quetly in his bed not rustling the sheets breathing slowly and silently.Hardly moving because he wants to hear the ringing bells of santa's sleigh through he is nineteen he still believes in santa clauss so does his mom and sisters and i but still need tò see him.Bells jingle in the distance like from a nearby church and my cousin with my aunt appear in their sleigh pulled by two chesnut mares.Soon there were more bells jingling and i asked kind of scared:It is not so easy ehm ehm hello is anyone up there in the sky. Chapter B:I was truly wondering and creeped out thinking that it might be something bad but no it was good.Soon a sleigh

polar express

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polar exp...
by MarilouDouca