Daylight's End...
By The_Lost_Griffin
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The Elements of Harmony Have Fallen,One by one,Laughter,Kindness,Genoristy,Honesty,Loyatly,and Magic. All to the hooves of Nightmare Moon and her Lightsleepers,when luna first invented them,they were told to keep nightmares AWAY,but sadly that was not the case,Twilight Sparkle was trapped in the Multiverse,along with the Queen of the Multiverse who no longer speaks to me,yes,I am Dreamcatcher,and...I failed. I was set in a coma,along with twi and we worked with the Queen to stop the lightsleepers form taking over,but we did not know what was happening,for the one dream,that me and twilight did not notice,that was pure black,was Princess Celestia,Ruler of the Sun. Once she fell,Nightmare Moon bansihed her,and the elements to the moon...forever. The ponies who resided the elements are nowhere to be found,and Twilight,she just vanished,I am Dreamcatcher,Watcher or Worlds,Ruler of Dreams,the Lord of the Multiverse,I am...The Last Hope. And Once you fall asleep tonight,I will call to you,I need help,for not all ponies are as loyal as they seem.

The Begining

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by The_Lost_Griffin