Complicated Beings...
By rat530
  • Romance


We were joking and laughing like nothing was wrong when my whole life changed again. It started with a feeling, a pricking feeling on the back of my neck, like someone was watching me. Suddenly a part of me that I suppressed for years came rushing back. I looked around and nothing looked amis but one thing, there was a 5'4 brunette lady in a blue tracksuit glancing discreetly at me. It was discreet to everyone else, but not to me, not I that was trained to notice. It was then that the bus lurched to a stop, the lady brushed passed me and very discreetly dropped a letter into my lap. At first glance it looked like a normal plain white envelope, but if you looked closer there was just a slight difference. I knew, I knew it was the one thing I was hoping it wasn't. It was the one thing that could change my life. Inside I was quivering, quaking with fear and years of pain suppressed, but outside I knew I looked calm and collected after all I was trained to. I opened up the crisp but slightly wrinkled envelope and took out the letter. All that was on there were two simple words. Two simple words that changed my life again. Those two words were, "It's time"

Complicated Beings (A Game Called Life)

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by rat530