The Red Wolf
By BitterSweetLov
  • Werewolf
  • alabama
  • alpha
  • beach
  • black
  • hút
  • love
  • magic
  • mates
  • paradise
  • rare
  • redwolf
  • small
  • tala
  • weak
  • werewolf
  • witch
  • xander


About five hundred years ago, Red Wolfs were known as the most loyal in their packs. Red Wolfs are known as the weakest and that's true. What made them so special? Well they each have a different power, like witches. But one alpha will change their history forever, by telling almost all the packs in the world that the Red Wolfs want to use their power and rule the world. All the packs turned against the Red Wolfs. They killed almost all of them. Some escaped. ~•~ Tala Hut is a Red Wolf descendant. Her parents and her act human for their safety, but what happens when Alpha Xander, alpha of the pack that started the hate towards Red Wolfs, finds Tala in a town that he is visiting. Tala and her family use a little bit of Wolfsbane to hide her werewolf scent. Well Xander is here, thinking that his mate is human, but she's much more than that. Xander's dad also has a strong passion of hate towards Red Wolfs. Tala is in trouble.


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The Red W...
by BitterSweetLov