The Ruler of Hearts
By taetannie
  • Teen Fiction
  • beautiful
  • boy
  • curse
  • drama
  • fiction
  • flaws
  • flynn
  • girl
  • handsome
  • hearts
  • high-school
  • hot
  • humor
  • iris
  • love
  • magic
  • mystery
  • romance
  • teenage


It hasn't been more than a week since Flynn Calder's arrival at Castlemont High. Yet again, he's managed to become the center of attention in a matter of days. This shouldn't have been a surprise for Flynn. With his unearthly good-looks and naturally captivating personality, it was bound to happen. However, Flynn knows better (especially after what happened back in his home town). His worst fears have come true. He's cursed. Ever since he's set foot in Castlemont, strange things keep happening. No one can seem to stop talking about the breathtaking boy with the stormy grey eyes and disheveled raven hair. Every guy wants to be associated with Flynn. Every girl is in awe of him. All they ever gush about is how 'cute' he is or how they are in 'love' with him, for Flynn's magical aura has a magnetic effect on people around him. Nonetheless, Iris Aldaine isn't one of his fan girls. She notices something eerie about his demeanor. Something unsettling about the piercing bleakness of his eyes and the superficially innocent lazy grin that everyone falls for. She knows something's off, and she's determined to find out the answers. Even if they might destroy her. . COVER CREDITS: @aciddaisies_ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED H.K Blackwell © No part of this work shall be distributed or reproduced unless permission is granted by the author.

The Ruler of Hearts

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The Ruler...
by taetannie