The Man With An Ins...
By denisvincent
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  • denisvincenthelicopter


All our lives, we keep looking for inspiration, and some of the success stories always suggest thinking out of the box and doing something new. Of course, we all know a few big names, but one man who has been making it big in Canada on his own terms is Denis Vincent. Counted among the top businessmen in the country, Denis is not someone who takes things easy. Starting off as an executive in a company, one may have thought that his career goals were met. However, with his passion for work and love for business, he is considered among the most revered names in Canada, especially in and around Quebec. Multiple Businesses After being a sales executive for Moto Bateau, Denis decided to take up something that has fascinated him for years! Yes, Denis is a trained helicopter and airplane pilot since 1996 and established his own company Heli Vincent inc. As a result of great love for flying and his business, many people in Canada know him as Denis Vincent the airplane pilot. The company specializes helicopter and airplanes sales and leasing in Quebec, Alberta and other provinces. Simultaneously, Denis keeps abreast of all his business developments. Not many people know that Denis has been actively involved in the world of real estate since 2000 and has been a name behind many mergers and acquisitions. He enjoys providing insight and knowledge base to many players of real estate world and has been a magnet for some of the record breaking deals. Denis has an amazing sense of zeal for the industry and wants Canada to be as equally recognized as other countries of the world for real estate transactions and developments. He is also the Chief Financial Officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, where his insight is considered a vision by many. With his eyes on mining, real estate and labor contracting industry, it is not hard to find his name in some big projects. In truth, Denis never misses to seize an opportunity, and that's the specialty he possesses.

The Man With An Inspirational Career - Denis Vincent

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The Man W...
by denisvincent