I'm Prohibited...
By MoniefieroMedina
  • Non-Fiction
  • abuse
  • jameyrodemeyer
  • memoir
  • neglect
  • pain
  • real
  • stories


Short Description: Induced mentally Ill Mom, Abuse, Neglect, a lot of Blood, Rape and Little Love is what this book is about. I\'m Prohibited was re-written countless times in the period of 5 years. Follow the life of three people, including the Author, of their Harrowing experiences from childhood, where the author has smartly fused the three lives into one and slightly sugar-coated writing to be fair to readers. Buy & Suppor for Donations t: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/91153 I’m Prohibited is a novel about Abuse and Sheer neglect. The author, Hanz Moniefiero Medina, had a secret diary when he was just stepping to his early teens. His journal cried a plethora of self-reflections, poetries and what he had in mind. In many of his entries, he wrote of himself and his two friends he met along the years and trials and tribulations in their lives. Five years ago, he decided to re-open his journal and teared reading through his journal entries of himself and his two friends and wondered why he was stupid enough not to tell others and deliver a meaningful message to raise awareness on the abused and neglected. In the course of five years, he laid out all the details in point-form and wrote what could be one of the many nightmares he had to re-encounter in his young mind about his past and how writing about two of his other friends was probably wrong without permissions. After a hard search, he met one of his friends and asked his permission, but because he was not mentally stable, the author had to meet up with his friend’s father for permission. The author too met up with his other friend’s family only to discover his friend had committed suicide. He went on to ask permission from his late friend’s family with an intense debate and by sheer luck, he was allowed to do so. He finished his story in a decidedly crude form and put it away once more. Five years later, he met an indie e-book site owner, Guy Vincent, and how he was persuaded and enco

I'm Prohibited by Hanz Moniefiero Medina

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by MoniefieroMedina