Aquarina(mermaid gr...
By Kap557216
  • Fantasy


(Sample): I opened my eyes, waiting for the transformation to happen. Less than three seconds later, the change occurred. The transformation never ceased to amaze me and as I watched it, I remembered the times when the water was salty instead of clean, house water. Oh yeah, you still don't know who I am. Well, I'll give you a little summary. My name is Aquarina, Aqua for short. I just moved to Dallas, Texas from a little town called Fort Myers in Florida. I will be a junior in high school this year. Oh and let's just say I'm not your average 17 year old girl. I mean I dress like a normal girl, minus the face cake of makeup and the heels.(Yeah, sorry. I don't do high heels. I only go for 1-inch heels if anything.) I listen to normal music and I talk like everyone else. Normal American accent. I also have a phone, computer, laptop, and all those other electronic necessities. I don't have any mental issues. I was born like any normal baby. Well, that's not entirely true. I am anything but normal or average. You see, my DNA is different. No, I'm not a werewolf. Or vampire, fairy, wizard, witch, or ghost. When my skin comes in contact with water, I change. My eyes and hair change. My eyes become a clear silver and my hair a solid blue, lighter than navy but darker than aqua, sorta like the Crayola color. I get a tail for feet and my scales are the color of my eyes. So now you think "Scales? Like a fish or something?" Actually that is half true. I'm half fish and half human. Yup, that's right. I'm a mermaid. That's not all of it. My family are as well. (End of Sample):

Chapter 1

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by Kap557216