Yandere Chan is Dif...
By melloncholly
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • blood
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • highschool
  • manga
  • murder
  • psychopathic
  • senpai
  • yandere
  • yanderesimulator


Ah, High School...A place for fun, to learn and to see the love of your life everyday. Especially in Japan, where your school has one of the best sceneries. Except, there's this girl I see, none like the rest. Her name is Ayano. Yandere Chan. She has a crush on this boy which everyone calls dreamy. How normal, but she'd do anything for him. Literally. Even kill. My name is Hoshi Yuuto and here's a story about my experience with a psychopath, Yandere Chan. Cover Credits: @_DreamWalker (Thanks, I really appreciate the cover design.) Note: Most characters belong to the original game of Yandere Simulator. Hoshi Yuuto is a character I have added. It starts from her P.O.V. Some other characters are made by me as well. This plot is just fanfiction, it's not in the actual debug game. All rights claim to their owners and enjoy!

First Day of School...Part 1

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Yandere C...
by melloncholly