Step One- Procedure
By Render040
  • Adventure


Earth has always been special. Able to support life it is a planet which shines metaphorically the brightest. Beyond basic humans earth holds demons, spirits, changed spirits, kings and gods. Although most of these are unknown to the humans who live their daily lives. The king and gods are in charge of keeping the more unruly spirits in check. The king and gods are equipped with an apon and shield; they protect the humans from the spirits that have turned evil. This story follows Ame, Corvus, and Senit as they protect the humans. Ame died mysteriously and became a spirit. She was bought by Corvus king and god of the Angels of Death. She becomes his shield. Senit is Corvus's apon and they undergo difficult missions and uncover each other's pasts. One question remains, who or what killed Ame? Trying to find out they uncover a terrible secret that was right under their nose the whole time.

Untitled Part 1

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Step One...
by Render040