Harry Potters Twin...
By dracos_soulmate
  • Fanfiction
  • draco
  • dracomalfoy
  • harry
  • harrypotter
  • hogwarts
  • love
  • magic
  • malfoy
  • potter


Harry Potter. A famous child well known all over the wizarding world. Only... he wasn't the only one to kill Voldemort. His twin sister Harper also killed him. Harry and Harper grew up with their aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. They treated Harper slightly better than Harry but was still mean to her none-the-less. On their cousin Dudley's birthday, they go to the zoo and Harry talked to a snake in this weird language. Dudley pushed him to the floor and i glared at him. Soon the glass holding the fat sod up disappeared ! Me and harry laughed and Vernon went ape while petunia had a heart attack because the glass soon reappeared causing Dudley to be stuck! Priceless! When letters started to appear on Sunday, which is unheard of because as Vernon says ' there is no post on Sundays!' and a large man called Hagrid comes to our holiday house on mine and Harry's birthday saying we're wizards! WIZARDS! We make friends with The Weasley's and Enemies with the one and only Draco Malfoy because he tries to hit on me and i punch him and when he tries to befriend my brother he mugs him off! Love it! By 5th year Draco starts to develop feelings for Harper and there are complications between it all. Will it work out? Will harry approve? What is going on? By the way all of these characters belong to the amazing J.K Rowling apart from Harper. Shes mine. Back off Biatch's. Haha Joking guys just don't copy meh. Thanks!

Chapter 1 - Getting to know Harry and Harper

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Harry Pot...
by dracos_soulmate