Hot Me and Sassy Fr...
By bloody_pranksteen
  • Random
  • awesome
  • bestfriends
  • crazy
  • funny
  • humour
  • jock
  • pervert
  • relatable
  • sassy
  • stupidness


Highest Ranking [Till now]- #12 in Random on 13.5.16 #250 in Humor in one month. Yup! That's true! You all are "Awesome Sassers" [Idk if Sasser is a word or not.] Moments with friends. Their killer looks. You and Your best friend's sassiness. Hide your cookies. Your best friend will eat them. There are no T&C's between best friends. PS :- This is dedicated to all the sassy and bitchy best friends in the world. ------------------------------------ Hopefully we'll update EVERY EFFIN' DAY, unless something extra-ordinarily tragic happens to us. For example:- my best friend stole my phone for internet usage and had finished the whole package on watching porn. [Just kidding! We don't do such things.] Or our neighbour switched off his wifi. [We actually do this.] ------------------------------------ Someone please tell us the new ranking of this book, we haven't checked them. You can also send your moments to us. We'll dedicate that chapter to you. Share this book for the sake of your friends. Read Cote Share Repeat


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Hot Me an...
by bloody_pranksteen