Every Angel Needs A...
By TheQueenOfNightmare
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfiction
  • lovestory
  • mac
  • maclovestory
  • macredcanyon
  • redcanyon
  • reeduscharacter


What do you look for in a man? Strength? Honour? Smartness? Good looks? Charm? Not every man has all of that. Some have none. Some can be a completely different. They could be a murderer, a rapist, a druggie. Or all three together. Just like Mac. Run. That's all she ever has to do these days. Run. She had a easy life. Had kind friends, great home, rich family. Everything anyone would want. But even people who had happy lives can snap into something more dangerous. Just like Eris. After a fateful night that she feels a new high. Some thing that can't be put into a drug or a drink. But once you've made a commitment to murder you can't break it. Fearing the thought of hurting her family she runs away to Utah to start a new life. Running from the cops, smoking the joint or tasting meth, the sight of lustful men and the joy of murder. But what happens when the meth cooking, murderous, rapist Mac meets someone even more sick than him. This is a Mac Love Story. Mac is a Reedus character. I own Eris and no one else. Enjoy.


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Every Ang...
by TheQueenOfNightmare