Blind Love
By Joyful32
  • Romance
  • based
  • blindlove
  • clean
  • faith
  • faithbasedromance
  • happy
  • inspirational
  • inspirationalromance
  • joyful32
  • joyfulwanjala
  • love
  • romance
  • stories
  • story


Prologue: Love Inspired Heartwarming Inspirational Romance "Blind Love" John Holloway Junior is thirty-seven years of age. Born to a railroad tycoon; lives in the plush suburbs of Seattle Washington. John has a physique that renders most women powerless in his presence. One cannot help but ask where did this Greek god come from? The Holloway family has a little secret. Money marries money. A tradition of arranged marriages runs through the family. John faces insurmountable odds. On one hand he wants so badly to be a sole estate heir but on the other hand he faces the reality of American culture especially in the 21st century; people get to choose who to marry and who to love. Knowing his mother's wishes to choose his future wife, John has to battle to win over both sides of the equation. Does he finally prevail or does his mother years of manipulation causes her to triumph? What starts off as a temporary eyesight issue creates a mountain of a challenges no one signed up for. So where does the family go from here? If at all possible to believe in fairy tales, this fairy tale is a sure thing. If all that starts well ends, than one has to ask, 'Does the rich also cry?' If so, then how do they? All is not lost, for in deep tragedy it is also possible to find deep faith. John finds true self-worth and faith through an unlikely candidate. Cast: John: Wealthy Billionaire Eleanor: John's older sister Henry: Eleanor husband Marty: John's older brother Becky: Marty's wife Camilia Jessica: The daughter of John Mrs. Holloway: The mother of John Camil: PhD/Blind specialist Ms. Kelly, Nanna: Camils' Grandmother Amy: Camils' Best Friend Jake: Amy's husband Cheryl: John's by the way girl Mr. And Mrs. Shaffer: Amy's parent Evett: John's Ex-girlfriend Greg: John's college friend Billy Mattis: Amy and Camils' high school friend


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Blind Love
by Joyful32