The Stars Tonight
By Carpathia
  • Historical Fiction
  • 1800s
  • children
  • domestic-abuse
  • family
  • fire
  • girls
  • history
  • horse
  • jealousy
  • loyalty
  • over-come
  • scars
  • sisters
  • stars
  • tragedy
  • victims


After a great fire destroys their home, sisters Pleasant and May are sent to live with their aunt and uncle in the small town of Natt Fristad New Hampshire. The change is difficult and comes with many challenges to shy Pleasant and sickly May. Just when it seems they have adjusted to their new lives among the privileged the relative of an affluent family does the unthinkable, sending Pleasant spiraling into a world of loneliness and confusion and allowing the one who harmed her to go unpunished. As the years pass Pleasant comes to cope with her inner ghosts with the aide of a horse condemned to be bad luck. The embers, however, never cooled and have been waiting for the right wind to once again set everything ablaze. Note: The Stars Tonight, covers the topic of child abuse. While nothing graphic is present it may make some readers uncomfortable. "The Stars Tonight" All works copyright Carpathia. HRH Carpathia. This novel is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons or places is entirely coincidental.


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The Stars...
by Carpathia