Animagics 2: The Re...
By thejker
  • Fantasy
  • animals
  • elements
  • fantasy
  • magic
  • spells
  • spirit


Serehm is out for revenge and the only thing Syphon and Mervina could do is to run and hide from him. Three full moons at the sea have passed, and they have decided that they cannot outrun him; they have to train and prepare for the inevitable. Serehm is out for revenge and with Syphon running away from the island, all he can do is follow him until he can catch up and take his revenge. Together with Reah and a few men, he left the island to pursue his prey and he will do anything to catch him. With Serehm, now supported by the Lion's Den Kingdom at his tail, Syphon will not only need to learn how to fight, he also needs to learn how to hide and use his animal instincts better with the help of new friends. Will he be able to avoid Serehm? Or will Serehm finally get his revenge? Syphon is on the run, escaping the wrath of Serehm by leaving the island he grew up in. But it's not only to save himself, it's because he needed to train and improve his magic and take revenge on Serehm and his family for taking the lives of many of their villagers, especially his father. To do that, he will have to look for an Oppetaja, a teacher that will train him to improve his magic. But how can he train when Serehm is coming for him? And now that he and Mervina have been seen by many, it's only a matter of time before Serehm finds him. With the Lion's Den Kingdom and his personal Ryhma, it is only a matter of time until Serehm gets a hold of him. This is the continuation of the story Animagics.

Chapter 1

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by thejker