Surviving The Waves
By BayBay21102
  • Romance
  • badboy
  • band
  • bestfriends
  • boyband
  • cancer
  • college
  • cute
  • depression
  • fiction
  • iloveyou
  • love
  • music
  • onedirection
  • ontheroad
  • popular
  • romance
  • ryleigh
  • selectivelymute
  • singer
  • tour
  • writer


The thick rain floods around me, my dripping clothes sticking to my damp skin. My eyes train on the dark clouds as my thoughts bounce around in my aching head. I push myself off the soggy ground with my hands on the water-speckled rusty rail and stumble through the french doors, locking them behind me. I fall onto the bed that seems too big for me without Bryson forcing himself into the middle and hogging all the covers. I slowly slip in unconsciousness immediately when my head hits the soft pillow. A loud knock forces me to open my tired eyes and push my cold feet into the soft fuzzy boots at the side of my bed. I trudge to the door, unlocking it before slipping out and into the crisp air. Bryson leans against the railing, the water dripping from his wet hair. "Ryl, I came here to-" He begins. "No. You shouldn't be here." I interrupt, stepping closer to the doors. "Please, I-", His voice rises as if he is gaining confidence as he seems to mentally cheer himself on. "NO!"I yell before my voice cracks."No. Don't chase me until you're ready to catch me when I fall." I turn around and sprint back inside, ignoring his pleas. I turn the lock before my back slides down the glass, sobs engulfing me entirely. Thunder rumbles along loudly, humming with the endless tears that puddle around me on the freezing wood floor. ~~~ Ryleigh Russel is a 22 year old song writer, who is currently studying to be an extraordinary doctor. She writes for the world's most successful record label, Theory Music Records, and is highly recommended to new and upcoming artists. She is shocked when she is requested for the world's hottest boy band, but is hesitant to accept due to working with a group of four twenty-something boys. Hazardous decisions always seem to scramble their way in Ryleigh's life unexpectedly, forcing her to endure heart break often. What happens when she has to chose between the love of her life with unbearable pain alongside him or being alone with an emotionless life?

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by BayBay21102