"People call me a monster! They want my family annialated. What's the point in making friends with lifestock!" -Colby, age 9 "Everybody sort of ignored me. I had no friends...he was the first to randomly ask me: hey, wanna be friends! Im grateful-Sam, age 19 "Your father was...different! At first i thought he was the biggest dumbass i've ever meet! I disliked him because he was a half breed...but he gave me hope and saved my life! Yes, i love him very much"- anonymous, age 29 Sam and Colby had been friends for almost 5 years and now being viners, free and away from their hometown in Kansas, the boys head for LA where dreams were suppose to become true. Until a sudden accident involving a complicated collision left one of them badly wounded...and needing for an organ transplant...except that the transplanted organ dosent belong to another human...