Division X : Coming...
By BennettSu173
  • Science Fiction


An alternate version of the well-known X-Men Team of Mutants ; Division X. As they discovered their powers, they grouped together as one band. The final count of Division X's members are of eight mutants: Sunspot-Bart Allen ( with the ability to manipulate solar, heat and light based energies, as well as possesing pyrokinesis, aka fire manipulation.) Colossus-Sugein Revin, with the power to convert to an organic steel form. Iceman-Ezra Ling,with cyrokinetic ice-manipulation abilities. Bishop-Lawrence Chieng, being able to absorb certain forms of energies and store them within himself, or channel them into his electronic weaponized armor. Magneto-Russell Wong, being able to manipulate metal and magnetic forces. Storm-Evelyn Ong, with atmokinesis, the power to manipulate the weather. Shadowcat-Kitty Pryde, with the power of intangibility, despite tragically lost her time traveling capability. And last but not least, Beast-Tan Sheng Yew, (known as either ShengYew or Tan) with superhuman strength, speed, durability and the extraordinary ability to convert himself to a animalistic form at his will. The invincible Sentinel Mark 10 Army have returned from the previous war, with as much power as before, but this time led by the alternate version of Transformers' Antagonist, Sentinel Prime. As Division X stands to protect the final group of homosapiens alive on planet Earth who initially hates them, three words rang in their hearts. We Are Lost.

Foundation Of Sunspot

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by BennettSu173