Queer eye for the S...
By scarlettlove
  • Teen Fiction
  • bxb
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  • lbgt
  • parents


Christan is the popular jock who has been dared to act gay for a few days. But before he can do it he has to learn how to be gay right? So he goes to the only gay guy he knows. To bad its the guy he has picked on all his life. But maybe if he offers never to pick on him again he will accept? Patch has been picked on all his life. About all different things the current reason is for him being gay. What is he going to do when Christian the main guy who picks on him comes up to him for a favor? How is he going to teach him to act gay? What will he do if he falls in love with the Straight guy? How will the Straight Guy act when he needs the Queer Eye to win the bet? Eh not a good description

Queer eye for the Straight Guy. BxB

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Queer eye...
by scarlettlove