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By Hannah_that1fangirl
  • Fanfiction
  • bixanna
  • cute
  • dark
  • elfgreen
  • fairytail
  • fanfiction
  • fluff
  • freed
  • freedxreader
  • friendship
  • justine
  • love
  • romance


[completed] A bittersweet Freed X Reader You have always isolated yourself since what happened when you were a child. Being so cold it's hard for you to make a living and find work but you manage. One day you are minding your own busyness when you are attacked. Being the skilled wizard you are you probably could take them out easily, but their are too many to handle by yourself. Luckily someone manages to come in and save you just in time. Soon you get to know this polite gentleman with long light green hair and become pretty close. The more you get to know him the more you are scared to love him. And you can't help wondering why is he nicknamed Freed The Dark?

Part one: I'm in trouble!

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by Hannah_that1fangirl