The Ranger in the W...
By DubStepBrony1987
  • Fanfiction
  • 2pitaly
  • btt
  • fanfiction
  • france
  • hetalia
  • italy
  • luciano
  • prussia
  • spain


(Y/N), Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert have been the closest of friends since they were tiny little kids. Now, they are older and are soon to go to college. Different colleges. To make up for the time they will miss, they all spend the summer together on a 3 month camping trip. They arrive at the camping grounds, eventually figure out how to set up the tent, and, of course, tell scary stories. Gilbert's story is about a mysterious figure known as "the ranger". The ranger roams the camp grounds that they are at and kidnaps innocent people. (So original, you're going to give me nightmares Gilbert). Antonio insists that this is just a bunch of fables from inside Gilbert's head, but after (Y/N) comes across an unlikely stranger, they aren't so sure. Could this stranger be the ranger? Or could it be someone that they wouldn't ever expect?

Road Trip

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The Range...
by DubStepBrony1987