Lyrics Left Me
By 8TaylorMarlow8
  • Teen Fiction
  • freementalillness
  • highschool
  • life
  • love
  • lyrics
  • music


Harmony Winters attempted suicide two years ago. She overdosed on her depression pills. It didn't work fast enough for her. She grabbed a knife and cut her wrists. She cut deep. She screamed. Her parents rushed her to the hospital. When she was released they moved far away because they were ashamed of their daughter. She is now outcast in her new school. She is the main target of bullying. Nobody is lower on the high school food chain than her. She left everything behind. Including her best friend. Her parents control her, they say they are keeping things 'peaceful', but all they do is make things worse. Harmony can never tell her parents about her love for music. She can never tell them anything. Nobody understands. She is outcast, bullied, and her parents don't notice. All they care about is peace, which is impossible in this world. ____________ Hey you lovely human beings! First book on Wattpad!! Completed: January 15 2016!! THIS IS MY BOOK PUNK. STEAL IT AND YOU WILL REGRET BEING BORN. COME AT ME. I DARE YOU. FIGHT ME. ***UNDER RECONSTRUCTION*** All Rights Reserved@music-is-my-life-5


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Lyrics Le...
by 8TaylorMarlow8