Do Something About...
By Thatasiangirl888
  • Spiritual
  • christinagrimmie
  • gun
  • orlando
  • violence


People pray when a situation is hopeless. They pray after disasters, after attacks, after bombings. People pray as a last resort when nothing more can be done. In recent evens such as the attacks on Paris and the bombings in Lebanon, people have prayed because there was nothing people could do about the lives lost. The events were tragic and the people couldn't stop the suffering. People pray as a last resort. If you can better a situation, you do. But when you can't, and you know you can't, all you can do is pray. Recently, I have found myself praying about things like a math test and English quizzes. After what happened in Paris last week, I've come to realise that there's more important things to pray about instead of a grade. My heart goes out to all the brave souls in Paris who remain undefeated. We will all #prayforparis. Let this be a lesson to all that even in the events of tragedy, the world goes on, and all we can really do is be thankful for life.

Making Beauty Comes From Within

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Do Someth...
by Thatasiangirl888