Forever A Cheater (...
By WeyHey_Mofo
  • Fanfiction
  • cheater
  • harrystyles
  • instagram
  • notmine
  • notmystory
  • sorryihaventupdated


Most people around the world today are struggling to make end's meet. They're worried about feeding their children, paying their bills and keeping their jobs. I, on the other hand, have a pretty good life. I live with my boyfriend, Harry Styles. He pays for absolutely everything we need, and everything I want. I work as a saleswoman at Bloomingdale's, but the money I make there is nothing compared to the amounts Harry brings in. The way I sound, you would think I'm a gold digger. I'm really not. When Harry and I first dated 2 years ago, I told myself that I'd work for everything, and pay for half of everything. But then once Harry and I hit our third year of being together, things changed. The smell of cheap perfume on his shirts, the red lipstick on his collars, his late night phone calls and early morning arrivals assured me Harry Styles was cheating on me. *ik, ik, I am a dirty liar. Please forgive me!!*

Forever A Cheater (Harry Styles)

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Forever A...
by WeyHey_Mofo