The New Beginning
By DarylsAngels
  • Teen Fiction


My name is Holly, I am 15 and right now, my life is shit. I just hope it will get better, and soon. I mean right now just on it's own, my sister is anorexic and her boyfriend, well lets just say he is not help with anything. As for me, everything I do just turns to crap. I thought my life was going fine and I could have a year without drama, crying, or losing someone I care about, luckily the last one has not happened, yet. Last year was about the same. Maybe I can only be happy for a short amount of time. Maybe it is always going to be like this. But I don't want it to be like this. I want to be able to go a week without wanting to just cry. I wish I could have someone to go to at times like these and know that they can make me forget about everything for a bit and that I can cuddle with whenever I want and need.

Untitled Part 1

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The New B...
by DarylsAngels