Her Journal || Ruca...
By im-in-another-lifee
  • Fanfiction
  • always
  • awh
  • best
  • bestfriend
  • bye
  • friend
  • growinglove
  • love
  • okay
  • rucas


2 years earlier -~Dear journal 1, Lucas... Even the name gives me butterflies... We're in 10th grade together. He's a new student from Texas. His accent is thick, his hair perfect, his eyes... I could get lost in them so easily. He came here two weeks ago. My friend Maya teases him over his accent but it doesn't phase him. He talks to me at least three times a day... Thats good isn't it? Now I've gotta go and finish my homework... Bye... -~Journal 1. "hey Lucas, can I talk to you? " I ask "sure. " he smiles "I just kinda need this off my chest soo... Umm... I really like you. " I say quickly "oh... Ummm. Wow. Umm. How about we stay friends...? " he says, I feel my heart drop and shatter in a million pieces. "will best friends be okay? " I ask "best friends, always." Now 'Two years... And I still like him' 'two years and I like her now' How to let her know: •spend the night with her. •hug her •pass notes. •get protective •tell her I love her °°••and more••°°

Her Journal

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Her Journ...
by im-in-another-lifee