River of Tears {Lar...
By larrystylinsonteam
  • Fanfiction
  • bree
  • chapter
  • dontletbreego
  • larry
  • one
  • river
  • stylinson
  • tears


Collab between 1DLuvStories and dontletbreego Do you love listening to the birds chirping in the summer mornings? Or the sound of kids laughing in the bitter cold winter? Or listening to your favorite artist on your iPod? How about watching YouTube videos about your favorite gamer? Louis couldn't hear any of these things. He has been deaf since he was a baby. He would sometimes even talk, though the person would have to sign back what he said to see if he said it correctly. Do you love chatting with your friends after school? Or how about cracking up jokes with your family at the dinner table? How about being able to aw at your new siblings? Maybe even being able to make those 'loving' sounds in the nighttime. Harry could never be able to speak. He was mute since birth. He always uses sign language to communicate with other people. Sometimes he even uses his own made up language he made as a kid with his best friend- Louis. Louis and Harry were friends, marvelous how the two could be friends due to their issues. They did it though. They have been friends ever since they were born.

River of Tears {Larry Stylinson}

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River of...
by larrystylinsonteam