I was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. His hands slipped under my t-shirt up and he swirled patterns all over my stomach. My mind was going numb and I was losing control. "Bailey!" My mother called from below and Matt placed his lips over mine so that I couldn't call out for help. I tried to push him away, but he simply held my hands in his. We heard my mother climb the stairs to reach my room and Matt smirked at me. "Let's see you talk your way out of this." Matt said and ran out of the window. The door opened and my mother gasped. "Bailey!" ************************************************************* Meet Bailey Stanford. The girl who everyone knows, but not everyone is friends with. The one who is invited to her share of parties, but prefers movie nights with her friends. The girl who is nice to everyone but will kill if someone insults the people she loves. Headstrong and opinionated, Bailey is not one to follow the crowd. Meet Matt Anderson. The boy who is so popular, that he allocates people to attend parties for him. The type of guy who will crash any party as long booze is available. The boy who has two girlfriends in a day. His attention span is next to nothing. Witness the drama created when these two crash into each other at a party late one night. It's going to be a roller coaster ride for sure.
00-My name is Bailey Stanford...