Irongate: Then and...
By Blue-Roses-
  • Fantasy


It's been three years since Irongate's lowest point. This was a time of massacres and gang violence, where things looked hopeless. The population was at its lowest, and the souls of both mortal and immortal citizens seemed bleak. It was time for change. Everyone could realize that. So it happened. After years of rebuilding, change can finally be found. There is finally a middle class, and the gap between poor and rich seems to be closing. Though hate crimes against humans still occur, more is being done about them. After the three years of recovering the city and fixing its biggest problems, things are looking up. However, there's still some ways to go. There's still mistreatment towards humans despite the efforts to stop them. After years of withstanding supernatural cruelty, the humans feel as if they're owed for what they've gone through. An option many suggested throughout the years is a separate town for their kind. However, it's a suggestion unacknowledged by Irongate's government despite the support its getting. As this feud begins to heat, many wonder if this struggle as old as time will lead to civil war. How much longer can Irongate be unified in hate?

Irongate's History

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by Blue-Roses-