The Bet.
By MariaFiallo_
  • Romance
  • romance
  • romantic


(Before you read this, as my own experience while writing this story, don't let the cliche title fool you. Embrace yourself for a ride with "The Bet") Let's start off like this; I'm not the regular seventeen year old daughter who gets all the boys and drags on seven pounds of make up on her face daily and no, no, I'm not that girl from movies who starts off ugly and then ends out beautiful. I know I'm not ugly, but I wouldn't preferably call myself 'beautiful.' My life is like a Cinderella story except in my case, I have a half brother and a step brother who I adore to death. Either way, I still haven't found my prince charming, yet. I'm Christine Marie Osborne and as you may know, I'm not quite the popular gal. I'm a Junior in high school and I'm also a GIRL. Therefore stands the unbearable fact of me having an enemy. Which I do, her name is Julie Cambridge. She's the hoe you see on a daily basis, the one who will convert your life into a living hell just because of something so stupid you and your best friend Adriana did to her A YEAR AGO. Now she's seeking revenge.. but with what, with who? Things get utterly out of hand as the Bad boy named Lucas Braxton moves into town. I know what you guys are thinking, I should be in love with him because he's the sex god. But, nope you're wrong.. I start off rather despising him and thankfully for me.. he hates me too. Everything is quite normal as it always is but it all comes tumbling down when Lucas comes out of nowhere and flirts with me. Is this a sick joke? nope I'm THE BET. But what is the bet? to get the geeky girl? no.. the bet is the most uncomfortable thing you could ever hear.. and the worst part of it all is that I was the bet.. and I didn't realize it until that day.. WARNING: There's a ton of cursing and SO MUCH DRAMA. But its funny in a lot of points of views. So just enjoy the book.

Chapter One

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The Bet.
by MariaFiallo_