Subconscious Imagin...
By Shreyakarissa07
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • 13yearoldauthor
  • depression
  • everylastword
  • friendship
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • mentaldisorder
  • mystery
  • secrets
  • suspense


Mackenzie has no friends and her life has always been miserable for as long as she can remember. Her dad abandoned her and her mom when she was only 5 years old and as if that wasn't bad enough she developed a mental disorder (depression). Her life outside of her home isn't that great either. At school, everyone bullies her and makes her hate herself and think that her life is a complete waste. They pick on her just because she's reserved and isn't traditionally pretty with her long inky black hair, thin lips, mint colored eyes, and dorky black rim glasses. One day she gets sick of all this and decides to do something life threatening. A dark figure suddenly appears in her life and so does a new friend. What is this life threatening action? Who is this dark figure? What secret is her new friend keeping from her? Will it make Mackenzie lose her mind and question her sanity? **notice: I wrote this in middle school so it's not very good lol**

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by Shreyakarissa07