Skin and Ribs and B...
By myownhiddendreams
  • Poetry
  • bone
  • personal
  • poem
  • ribs
  • skin
  • upsetting


This is a very personal poem to me, as in the past year, 3 of my friends have all experienced eating disorders. Obviously, this is a very hard time for them, but it has suddenly hit me, especially with one girl, how debilitating this is, and how they don't ever really recover. I feel very fragile towards this, and at times, it can be a real struggle and“ I'm still coming to terms with it. I hope this doesn't sound really moany, but I thought it would be good to show where this has come from. It isn't a great poem, it is't witty or dramatic, but it's me, sorting my head out. The sort of things I would like to tell my friend, and the things she has told me. PS- I don't want to worry anyone, all the girls are getting treatment, and parents/school know.

Skin and Ribs and Bone - A Poem

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Skin and...
by myownhiddendreams