Being Hunted
By Rule_The_World
  • Random
  • blood
  • camouflage
  • evangeline
  • hiding
  • hunters
  • huntress
  • killing
  • stakes
  • tyrian
  • vampires


Huntress Origin is a Creature Hunter. Ever since she was born, she had been subscribed to the Hunters Association, and had been taught the ways of how to be a Hunter. Even though she highly disagrees with killing anything--even Creatures--she still does her job, protecting Humans everyday from the evil planted on Earth. Usually, it's always Hunters hunt down Creatures. Now, the tables have turned. Creatures are declaring War on the Hunters all around the world, and the Hunters have no idea when this so-called War will start. Now the Hunters are panicking, and bring more Hunters into the Association, so they can be ready for an ugly and terrifying war. Huntress has had her fair-share of guys, but when Ashton Scott arrives as one of the new Recruits, Huntress knows that something is off about him. Yes, he may have the good looks and he's pretty smart for an arrogant person, but Huntress knows he's hiding something. And she's going to find out what it is, no matter is there is a War in place.

Being Hunted

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Being Hun...
by Rule_The_World