The 100 fanfic
By SavannahSmith03
  • Fanfiction
  • 100
  • bellamyblake
  • bobmorley
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • kassmorgan
  • romance
  • the100


Cassidy aka Casey has never breathed in fresh air, never touched the trees, and never seen a car in real life. She's apart of 100 prisoners who get sent down to the earth for a chance. A chance to live. Ninety-seven years after the nuclear apocalypse, people still live on a large space ship called the Ark. This space ship has been formed from seven nations to keep the human population alive after the nuclear apocalypse. But there's a failure in the system. The Ark is running out of oxygen and in a panic the council decides to send 100 prisoners to the earth to see if it's habitable again. The way the Ark works with criminals is no matter how big or how small the crime, you get put in prison. After the age of 18 you get executed. So when 100 criminals get sent down to Earth without any parental help, let's just say that things get hectic. Casey has to survive. But it's not easy when there's giant water snakes and people who want to kill them. None the less, a boy who can't get his eyes off of her.

Chapter One

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The 100 f...
by SavannahSmith03