Death Without A Name
By VoxProductions
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • adventure
  • anime
  • fiction
  • ghostinthemix
  • horror
  • music
  • mystery
  • romance
  • thriller
  • violence
  • yandere
  • yuri


David Reed, is a troubled high school student. Just a average person with not much of a past to him. He loves books and that's it. Nothing more average than that. However a local serial killer has been lurking around his school area, and just encountered him reading under his favorite tree where he likes to be at peace. He has been a target for a while, and the attack has left him in a critical condition with amnesia. However being the only survivor of the killer is an even bigger problem. David is now in a race against time to remember the details of the attack and give the evidence needed to put this killer away with no chance of getting out. Every thing sounds simple when you feel as if your safe with the people you trust, but never judge a book by its cover. Some killers are much closer than you expect.


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Death Wit...
by VoxProductions