The Sarah Wincheste...
By SkyBoivin
  • Fanfiction
  • family
  • skyboivin
  • spn
  • spnfamily
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  • spnfanfiction
  • teaminsanity


A childhood friend comes back into the the Winchester boys life just shortly after the Mark of Cain reappears on Dean's arm. Who is Sarah LeFaye really? Magic and mystery surrounds her matter of fact and no nonsense ways. Dean still gets tongue tied around his Baby Girl, and Sam can still chat with her telepathically. All these years apart and its as though they have never missed a beat. But, what they don't know yet is that Sarah is a prophesized child bound for greatness. Is it great good, or great evil? Even the Fates do not know that answer. It is up to Team Free Will to determine that one. But, what the boys soon learn is that every time Sarah uses her gifts blessed (and cursed) to her, she is closer to death. Can they help her as she saves them from her never-ending visions of their deaths? And will they still help her even after they find out her secrets? How will they take the news when Sarah finally finds out who she is? Will they ever find out that it is she that never allows them to die? The Winchesters find out that their family has a lot more skeletons in their closet than they thought before. Are they ready for this one?

A Triad is Born (episode 1 of the Sarah Winchester Chronicles)(script form)

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The Sarah...
by SkyBoivin