Beyond The Exterior
By Suck_My_Words
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • fiction
  • relationship
  • secrets
  • sexualcontent
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • violence


Before I could walk away completely, he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. My wrists were caught in his grasp as he placed them above my head. I tried my best to avoid eye contact with him, knowing that if I didn't, I'd fall under his spell. My face held a blank stare not trying to give him the satisfaction that he actually had an affect on me. His cool breath spread across my face while his eyes roamed over my body. "Why the fuck do you make it so hard for someone to like you?"I kept my mouth closed irritated that he was actually talking this way to me."How hard is it to show some consideration for others?" "That's rich coming from a nigga who when he first met me, didn't even shake my hand. You're an arrogant, egotistical, asshole, who thinks the only place for a woman is on your penis." "At least I'm not a self centered, power hungry, bitch." "Fuck you."Before I realized what happened, his lips were on mine. The sweet taste of mint gum was being absorbed by my taste buds. Coming down from my high, I pushed him away. Both of us touched our bottom lips looking at each other in confusion.


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Beyond Th...
by Suck_My_Words