Stereotype (Two Boo...
By MrsPopular_
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • african-american
  • baby
  • chicago
  • death
  • drugs
  • fiction
  • gun
  • highschool
  • hospital
  • jail
  • life
  • pain
  • poverty
  • pregnancy
  • suffering
  • teen
  • urban
  • youngwritersprize


Seventeen-year-old Kendra Watson and her mother live in Chicago where life is difficult and unpredictable. Kendra is battling between her physical appearance and choosing the right people to hang around with in school. Any decision she makes can either land her in a lot of trouble or make her successful so she can get her mother and her out of poverty. What will she make of her life? PART 2 Seventeen-year-old Kendra Watson made a decision that will change her life forever. Will she get enough help and support? Who will she turn to when things get even more rough? Seventeen-year-old Shaun Miller has no parents since they died when he was younger. He basically now raises himself and is struggling to keep on the right track in life. Will he make the right decisions, or will his ego cause him to land himself in drama? Seventeen-year-old Janelle Bennett was betrayed by her best friend Kendra Watson, and now goes around Chicago doing violent things. Will she be able to get help and turn her life back around, or will she learn the hard way?

Chapter 1: Same Thing, Different Day

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by MrsPopular_