The Black Rose Pack
By BlackRosePack
  • Werewolf
  • aplhas
  • different
  • flashback
  • late
  • olivia
  • phoenix
  • rebellion
  • rebels
  • royals
  • serena
  • siblings
  • trouble
  • twins
  • vision
  • war


War; it's been spreading through the world of werewolves for longer than seventeen year old Olivia can remember. But with her father being the Alpha, and leader of the rebelling side, she's always known that trouble runs in her blood. But, she never realised how much. Olivia and her twin brother Phoenix are the only twins ever to be born by an Alpha - as far as history goes - and with that responsibility, she has been connected to her brother in a way that lets her see what he see's, and feel what he feels. So, when her father asks Phoenix to go to war with him, Olivia knows there must be something wrong; and she knows she's right when a vision shows her the death of her two favourite men. With that knowledge, she takes her little sister and escapes the raid that was to come, coming across other wolves affected by the war, and the need for survival crosses their minds. They band together in hopes that finding an old run down mansion, which hasn't been inhabited for God knows how long, and a secret that could change the world of werewolves forever.


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The Black...
by BlackRosePack