Catch A Falling Sta...
By DJBiancafrost
  • Romance
  • actor
  • catch
  • celebrity
  • djbianca
  • falling
  • love
  • moonstar
  • romance
  • star


Catch A Falling Star 2: Moon Star DJBianca Frost Matt is tired from the whole lot of things that's happening with his existence - the life his dad Manuel wanted him to lead - be an actor and resurrect his once famous name. He just wanted to get out of the limelight for once. He opts to just bitch around with his life until his dad will say it's enough. In one provincial mall tour in Negros Oriental, an envious rival puts his life in danger. He doesnt have any choice but to run for cover. There's only one girl who would make him safe just for the moment in that sleepy tiny town - the strict barrio lass named LAUREN. Soon, Matt will be at the mercy of Lauren. And he thought it was just like that. Until Matt realized it wasn't just his life that is at her mercy - but also his HEART

Preface Book 2: Moonstar

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Catch A F...
by DJBiancafrost