The Lights in the A...
By Heartless_girl101
  • Teen Fiction
  • alpha
  • break
  • broken
  • gigandet
  • hearbroken
  • heart
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • mates
  • pregnancy
  • rejection
  • teen
  • twins


"Sutton, Damnit! ANSWER ME! WHO IS THE FATHER OF YOUR TWINS!?!?" He yelled at me. Who the hell does he think he is? "WHAT DOES IT MATTER!?!? ITS MY BUSINESS!" I yelled back. "I'M YOUR MATE I DESERVE TO KNOW WHO THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILDREN IS!" "YOU REIGECTED ME!" "THAT WAS A MISTAKE NOW TELL ME SUTTON CUZ I'M HAVING A HARD TIME RIGHT NOW BECAUSE SINCE I GOT HERE DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPE HAVE TOLD ME THAT, THAT LITTLE GIRL IN THERE HAS MY EYES. DO YOU, WELL I'LL TELL YOU. 15 THATS HOW MANY AND I SAW THAT THE LITTLE GUY IN THERE NEXT TO HER HAS MY EYES WITH MY OWN DAMN EYES! NOW SUTTON TELL ME THE TRUTH I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW. ARE THOSE MY CHILDREN!?!?" Well I couldn't avoid it any longer could I, nope guess not time to fess up so I replied to his scream fest that nw had everyon in the damned waiting room staring at me well us, "Yes, Jace, the twins are yours." A small smile broke out on his face, then he said, "Well can i meet them properly?" "No." was all i said. When I said it he got mad all over again I knew he wagoing to scream again so I quickly pulled him into the elevator and he couldn't even wait till we got out of the building to start yelling "And why not? Those are my children Suton! They are 5 years old!! I've missed that much of their lives and now that i know about them you want me to miss more of their lives so I ask, Why Sutton? Which brings me back to this, why didnt you tell me you were pregnant with my children?" The elevator landed and the doors opened i pushed him out then as i pushed the 3rd floor button I said, "You reigected me, then pratically called me a whore when i gave you my virginity that night. How was i supposed to know you wouldn't reigect them?" and with that i went back upstairs to my little girl and her older twin brother. As soon as i saw them i felt sad. they looked so much like their father the only man I ever have and ever will love. Great i just love my fucking life! {note my sarcasm} =ALL RIGHTS RESERVED=

Chapter 1: The Day we met is my beautiful little nightmare

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The Light...
by Heartless_girl101