By zimatorn
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • manga


At the beginning of time there was the black king, a mad man who ruled over everyone on earth. He crafted a crown worthy of his majesty, a black crown capable of amazing feats which only helped to increase his power. On the day it was made, a slave witnessed how the crown was made and forged his own crown, a white crown to beat back the darkness in the black kings heart. This white king would go on to lead a rebellion and in the final battle, give his life to slay the mad black king. After this legendary battle, the black and white crown went on being passed from person to person, from heroes to villains until they were lost. After earth was nearly destroyed during "the event" the crowns have resurfaced once again. After the people who found them died the crowns found their way to two "meta" humans. Human beings of insane amounts of power able to shatter planets with ease. But with the world now controlled by seven immortals and the four beings:death, the man of shadows, the lady in the light and the warden, standing watch from different dimensions can the crowns achieve their former states. The black king is once again respected by powerful friends and feared by his enemies, while the white king is once again seen as lowly as a slave. But with the white king and his circle making moves to change that can the black king and his regime defeat this man's ambitions?

chapter 1

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by zimatorn