In 1984, Christopher Pike published a young adult thriller called SLUMBER PARTY. Neither he nor the publishing community realized that this was the beginning of a revolution in the YA genre. That teenagers had been craving an author who didn't talk down to them. That teenagers were ready for complex and gritty thrillers that didn't avoid the powerful emotions many adolescents felt. SLUMBER PARTY was the first of over fifty bestselling novels that Pike created that were essentially adults novels—with teenage heroes. Now, decades later, Pike has a new thriller arriving on the market this November: STRANGE GIRL. And he has finally come out of seclusion to discuss how to write a great YA novel: How to get started: How to plot a YA novel; How to ruin a YA novel. Blunt advice on what it really takes to get a book published in today's competitive market. For the next three weeks, every day on Wattpad, Christopher Pike will be posting his advice and answering your questions. Wattpad is happy to have him.
Chapter One: Work Hard at Your Writing