Stories of Prophets, teach, inspire and build our faith. Through them we learn how to thank God,to worship God and to ask for His forgiveness in the best manner. "Indeed in their stories there are lessons for men of understanding." 1. Allaah 'azza wajal commanded the Prophet [saws] to tell us about the prophets, it is mandatory for us to convey the message of the prophets to others too! 2. 'La'allahum yatafakkaroon': so they may reflect. The stories of the prophets are not for entertainment, but to derive lessons from them and deeply reflect! 3. Take them as role models: they are the ones who are guided. They are the best. Every human being has role models. Taking the prophets as your role models is one of the most effective ways to be productive in this life. 4. Love them. Your love for them will fill your heart with life. And a heart that's beaming with faith will produce actions of righteousness!