He Stole My Heart...
By -Lost_Gurl-
  • Fanfiction
  • aphmau
  • everyone
  • garroth
  • pleasedonthateme
  • random
  • zane
  • zanemau
  • zanmau


"Why are you doing this?" Aphmau's face saddened by the news "Why?" "I'm sorry, but I need to erase my memory, for a reason..." The man looked deep into Aphmau's eyes, feeling sorrow. But yet, thought he did the right thing. Aphmau couldn't do a thing, she was hopeless. Couldn't he stay? He couldn't, she didn't want him to go even if it was the right thing to do. His crystal blue eyes was driving Aphmau's crazy each-time but she never knew. Though, the man turned around and put on the equipment to erase his own memory. It was only one use, he didn't want Aphmau to get hurt because of him. Little did he know that it hurts Aphmau more... He put his iron helmet on connected to the large machinery, and he sat in a chair. He looked at the button and was soon regretting it but it was for his own good, but he just slammed the button down. Aphmau watched in horror as the man she loved was getting electrocuted. Before, the man was loosing conscious of himself. He heard one angelic voice that was hurt way more then he expected, "Why did you leave me? Why does it have to be him? But, yet I can't go back. He Stole My Heart." And then and there. Zane lost conscious of himself. His last words were; "I'm sorry". Then blacks out. After a little while, Zane woke up in a bedroom, purple to be exact. The only thing that caught his eye was a group of people who he didn't know. "Zane, What happened?!" They asked. The man who was confused, got even more confused. These words surprised all of them except Aphmau was; "Who are you, guys?" Props to whoever make this art!

Chapter 1 Enemy

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He Stole...
by -Lost_Gurl-