Playing With Fire
By all_alecia
  • Werewolf


I am a werewolf. I am powerful, and strong. I am a being with immense power and I will be stronger than this. I feel in love him, but he obviously never loved me. I'm just another girl to him, nothing more at all. Cameron was right; I was better of with him. I'm in love with the jerk, and he used me. Max played with my heart just like everyone else in my life has. Why did he do this? Well, because of a bet, a very stupid bet by the way. Who is he to me? Well, he doesn't know it yet but, he's my mate. Max is a player, everyone in the Dark Moon Pack knows this. No one cares that there Alpha doesn't have a mate, except for his best friend Griffin. Max wants a mate, but not right now anyway. He loves the single life, and doesn't want to settle down anytime soon. It doesn't even matter to him because he can't sense his mate, he wasn't born able to tell who his mate is instantly like everyone else. But when an intriguing girl name Amber comes to town, is his mind changed? Amber is anything but happy when she leaves her pack. She knows it's basically a death sentence, but anything is better than Dean. When she meets Max she's afraid of him. He's her mate but she doesn't realize because of her inability to due to abuse over the years. So, Max decides not to tell her until she fully trusts him. Amber isn't stupid, she sees how he looks at her and at other girls. For whatever reason, Amber decides to stay, at least she's alive. For now at least.


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Playing W...
by all_alecia