Different ~ Larry S...
By Dejected_Iero
  • Fanfiction
  • cat
  • hybridharry
  • kitten
  • larry
  • louis
  • love
  • niam
  • pepper
  • sam
  • styles
  • stylinson
  • tomlinson


Harry is a cat hybrid with a dark past. He doesn't really trust anyone, not after what happened when he was younger. His parents hated him, thought he wasn't good enough, being only half human. Always locked him up in the basement and well, treated him like an animal. He now lives a normal life, well as normal as you can be, being half cat. He hides his ears under his curly hair and stuffs his tail in his trousers everyday so no one will find out his secret. You see, he used to be stuck in a special lab that his parents sent him to, where he was tested everyday. He ran away from that place when he was only 17. Louis is just a regular school teacher who happens to meet Harry when he becomes one of his students. Will he find out Harry's secret? Will he treat him differently? Will he pull him out of hiding and send him back to the lab again?

Different ~ Larry Stylinson (Hybrid!Harry)

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by Dejected_Iero