Vampiric Encounters
By AnImaginator99
  • Fantasy
  • betrayal
  • death
  • family
  • fantasy
  • friendship
  • grief
  • happiness
  • heartache
  • horror
  • loss
  • love
  • murder
  • realms
  • revenge
  • romance
  • shortstory
  • supernatural
  • teenfiction
  • thelivingdead
  • undead
  • vampire


Welcome to the world of the undead. A world in which true evil exists and pure good does not. Follow pivotal events in the lives of seven vampire like creatures in series of unrelated short stories about such beings or interactions with them. 1. Nevada must investigate the death and disappearances of her loved ones and the clock is ticking. Will she be able to save them in time or will jealousy consume them all? 2. Meet Ivor, the century old, blood sucking Demon, a man on a mission to save the 67th reincarnation of his one true love though her skepticism may result in yet another failure to save her life. 3. When Jim awakens after four decades in the grave, he has one thing on his mind... revenge. Can the purest forms of love absolve his murderer who has waited for her love's return? 4. Eli just wanted to run away from the oppression of his home, but in order to give into temptation he must be willing to break laws and risk his life if he ever intends to achieve freedom. 5. Before he met Timothy, the ordinary Henry believed he may have been on the brink of death. There's only so long you can survive when you're the best life source for an entire town. 6. Joseph is confused and frightened by a strange awakening and is overwhelmed at the re-occurrence of an old friend. A friend he would never lose again. 7. A doctor tries to help a young Horris over come his sisters death in a situation which forces him to hate his beloved sister or face execution himself.

1. Nevada

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by AnImaginator99